One-on-one Coaching Packages


What is it?

  • The Essentials package helps you apply with confidence knowing that your self-marketing materials are complete and targeted specifically to the job you are applying for.

Who is it for?

  • Those who have a clear job search focus and want to submit a targeted application.

  • Those seeking promotion or making a linear career move.

  • Those wanting top-notch documents, but don’t want to spend hours creating them.

What do you get?

  • Coaching Session 1 (60 mins): Content & Strategy Development to collect and organize key skills, experiences and accomplishments.

  • Targeted Resume that includes competency-based skill statements, industry language and keywords as well as professional branding and layout.

  • Targeted Cover Letter that gets read by employers and distinguishes your application from others.

  • All packages include:

    • Coaching session(s) via phone, Zoom or in-person.

    • Two rounds of revisions on resume and cover letter (if necessary).

    • Two copies of your resume and cover letter: Word & PDF.

    • Unlimited email support to assist and motivate you throughout your job search.

What does it cost?

  • $449


What is it?

  • You don’t need to figure out job search on your own.  The Comprehensive package provides information and coaching on every aspect of an effective job search from application to accepting an offer. 

Who is it for?

  • Those who are new to job search; e.g., graduates, newcomers and young professionals.

  • Those applying for work in a new field.

  • Mid-career professionals who have been applying for jobs, but are not getting a response from employers.

What do you get?

  • Coaching Session 1 (60 mins): Personal Branding & Job Search Strategy to identify key characteristics of your brand and channel them through the most effective job search strategies.

  • Coaching Session 2 (60 mins): Content & Strategy Development to collect and organize key skills, experiences and accomplishments.

  • Targeted Resume that includes competency-based skill statements, industry language and keywords as well as professional branding and layout.

  • Targeted Cover Letter that gets read by employers and distinguishes your application from others.

  • Coaching Session 3 (60 mins): Interview Preparation and Practice to equip you with the content and confidence needed to shine at your next interview.

  • All packages include:

    • Coaching session(s) via phone, Zoom or in-person.

    • Two rounds of revisions on resume and cover letter (if necessary).

    • Two copies of your resume and cover letter: Word & PDF.

    • Unlimited email support to assist and motivate you throughout your job search.

What does it cost?

  • $649


What is it?

  • Some career plans take longer to execute than others.  The Complete package provides information and coaching on how to achieve steady career growth towards a specific career goal.

Who is it for?

  • Professionals charting regular career growth or career milestones.

  • Newcomers seeking employment in regulated professions.

  • Those changing careers and looking for work in a new fields.

What do you get?

  • Coaching Session 1 (60 mins):  Career and Education Plan that charts an intentional and incremental path to your long-term career goal.

  • Coaching Session 2 (60 mins): Personal Branding & Job Search Strategy to identify key characteristics of your brand and channel them through the most effective job search strategies.

  • Coaching Session 3 (60 mins): Networking and LinkedIn Strategy to help you strategically grow and engage your network.

  • Coaching Session 4 (60 mins): Content & Strategy Development to collect and organize key skills, experiences and accomplishments.

  • Targeted Resume that includes competency-based skill statements, industry language and keywords as well as professional branding and layout.

  • Targeted Cover Letter that gets read by employers and distinguishes your application from others.

  • Coaching Session 5 (60 mins): Interview Preparation and Practice to equip you with the content and confidence needed to shine at your next interview.

  • All packages include:

    • Coaching session(s) via phone, Zoom or in-person.

    • Two rounds of revisions on resume and cover letter (if necessary).

    • Two copies of your resume and cover letter: Word & PDF.

    • Unlimited email support to assist and motivate you throughout your job search.

What does it cost?

  • $849