Free Resources

Career development is always a smart investment; however, not everyone needs to invest in one-on-one or group coaching programs.

Sometimes all you need are a few key resources to nudge you in the right direction, fill in a few blanks or make sure you haven't left out something significant.  If that's the case - no worries, I've got you covered!

I've boiled down my most common tips and strategies on the most popular job search topics and created a catalog of resources to help you with your job search.  You can access them here, for FREE!

Check back regularly to see what new resources become available and please contact me with any suggestions or requests for resources you would like to see developed in the future.

Resume ChecklistIn today’s highly competitive job market, your resume plays a vital role in your ability to land ideal work. Whether you are writing your first draft or targeting your final copy, there is a lot to consider. Use this Resume Checklist…

Resume Checklist

In today’s highly competitive job market, your resume plays a vital role in your ability to land ideal work. Whether you are writing your first draft or targeting your final copy, there is a lot to consider. Use this Resume Checklist to help make sure you have it all.

Cover Letter Checklist

Cover letters are an opportunity to stand out as a candidate. Using cover letters to demonstrate research, reasons for applying, connections to employers, and how you can contribute to the organization. Use this checklist to write a cover letter that employers are excited to read!

LinkedIn Profile ChecklistThe future of job search is here and if you are not on LinkedIn, there is serious risk of being left out when it comes to landing your next opportunity. Grab this LinkedIn Profile Checklist and ensure your profile is set up…

LinkedIn Profile Checklist

The future of job search is here and if you are not on LinkedIn, there is serious risk of being left out when it comes to landing your next opportunity. Grab this LinkedIn Profile Checklist and ensure your profile is set up to maximize potential, grow your network and engage your audience.

Interview ChecklistGetting called for an interview is always exciting, but it can also be stressful as there are so many things to do before sitting down with an employer.  Use this Interview Checklist to help plan and prepare everything you need to…

Interview Checklist

Getting called for an interview is always exciting, but it can also be stressful as there are so many things to do before sitting down with an employer. Use this Interview Checklist to help plan and prepare everything you need to impress!

Top 100 Questions Employers Can Ask Applicants

While you never know the exact questions and employer will ask, you can equip yourself with enough information to feel ready for whatever they throw at you. Be one-hundred percent prepared for your next interview by reflecting on these 100 interview questions.

Top 100 Questions Applicants Can Ask Employers

Asking smart questions at the end of an interview makes you look like a smart candidate. Grab this list of 100 questions you can ask employers and impress the hiring manager through to the very end.

30 Ways to Network Yourself into a JobNetworking is important, but two common reasons (excuses!?) for not prioritizing networking are “I don’t know how” and “I don’t have time”. To help overcome both, this FREE TIP SHEET outlines 30 ways to network …

30 Ways to Network Yourself into a Job

Networking is important, but two common reasons (excuses!?) for not prioritizing networking are “I don’t know how” and “I don’t have time”. To help overcome both, this FREE TIP SHEET outlines 30 ways to network yourself into a job, conveniently grouped into manageable timeframes.