What is Career Development?

Career development is a lifelong, dynamic process of combining paid and unpaid activities, such as education, training, work, entrepreneurship, and volunteering, as well as values and personal interests to match labour market needs and achieve success and satisfaction in your career.

Career development puts you in the driver’s seat and helps you to take control of your career goals and successes.

Career development means making the most of your skills, potential, and interests, according to how you define growth and success.

Career development involves learning about internal (for example, personal time and resources) and external (for example, labour market) factors that may affect your career path.

Career development means being informed of your options and developing tools and strategies to make informed decisions that lead to personally meaningful work.

Career development builds your confidence and resilience for adapting to change, navigating transitions, and pursuing your goals.

What are Career Development Services?

Career development services help you to explore options and ask the right questions so that you can best use your learning, work experience, and career transitions to move toward your desired future.

What do Career Development Practitioners do?

Career Development Practitioners (CDPs) work with people of all ages and backgrounds to help them find meaningful work, manage career transitions, prepare for job growth, and plan their career future.

A certified Career Development Practitioner can help you in all aspects of career development, including:

  • Identifying personal strengths, skills, and knowledge areas.

  • Researching career paths and exploring career options.

  • Focusing and refining job search techniques.

  • Developing targeted self-marketing materials (resumes, cover letters).

  • Improving interview and networking skills.

  • Evaluating and negotiating job offers.

  • Building confidence and resilience.

  • Developing long-term career management strategies.

  • Enhancing overall job satisfaction.

What standards do Career Development Practitioners follow?

Career Development Practitioners are responsible to meet the standards, guidelines and code of ethics of the Canadian Council for Career Development.

Who does Foresight Career Coaching work with?

Foresight Career Coaching supports job seekers and professionals so that they can search smarter, perform better, and take control of their career.

  • Are you unemployed and looking to enter the labour market?

  • Are you underemployed and looking for more stable work?

  • Are you recently laid off and looking to return to work as soon as ppssible?

  • Are you a newcomer who wants to enter the Canadian workforce?

  • Are you a young professional, supervisor, or manager looking to grow your career?

  • Are you a student or recent graduate who wants to kick-start their career?

  • Are you an individual who faces barriers to employment?

  • Are you nervous or worried about looking for work?

  • Are you frustrated that your job search efforts are not producing the results you want?

  • Are you no longer happy in your current role and ready to put yourself first?

  • Are you the right person in the wrong job and looking for a change?

  • If you answered “yes'“ to ANY of these questions, I am ready to work with you.

Do I really need career coaching?

Career coaching will help make your job search easier, faster and more effective. It is perfectly okay to seek information and guidance from a qualified professional, including a career development practitioner. Career coaching will allow you to conduct your job search with confidence; seeking support early feels much better than looking back and thinking, “If only I had done this sooner”. Congratulate yourself for planning ahead and getting the support you need to take control of your career.

How long will I need coaching?

Coaching will vary from person to person depending on the individual’s goals and needs. For some, one or two consultations may be enough. This is generally the case when clients have straightforward questions (for example, “How do I introduce myself?”) that can often be answered relatively quickly and the feedback implemented right away. For other clients, three to five consultations may be required. This generally applies when clients have more complex questions (for example, “How do I initiate a career change?”) that take more time to analyze and apply strategies.

Does Foresight Career Coaching guarantee I will find a job?

Foresight Career Coaching is committed to helping clients achieve the highest probability of success in their job search. However, as final hiring decisions always rest with employers, we are unable to guarantee employment.

1 Adapted from “Guiding Principles of Career Development” developed by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC). 

2, 3, 7, 8 Adapted from The Canadian Council for Career Development 

4 The Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners (S&G); Code of Ethics