
Discovery Call

Curious about coaching? Want to ask a few questions before making a decision? Let’s chat!

Let’s discuss how Foresight Career Coaching can help you take control of your job search and make your next career move.

What is it?

  • A Discovery Call is an opportunity for the two of us to connect and start a career conversation.

  • It is a way to experience my coaching style in order to help you decide if I am the right coach for you.

  • It is a chance to ask any questions you have about hiring and working with a career coach.

Who is it for?

  • Discovery calls are perfect for anyone who is curious about coaching or has a few questions they would like answered before deciding whether or not they want to invest in coaching.

What do you get?

  • One 20-minute call (Phone or Zoom)

What does it cost?

  • Free!

Career Consultation

Have specific questions you need answered? Want to try coaching without making a commitment? Book a single consultation!

Foresight Career Coaching will provide you with instant analysis, insight and feedback on your job search.

What is it?

  • A Career Consultation is a more in-depth career conversation.

  • It provides targeted coaching in response to your most pressing job search concerns.

  • It provides quality information and guidance at a fraction of the cost of full coaching programs.

Who is it for?

  • Career Consultations are best for those who have specific questions they need answered, or those who want to experience career coaching without making a commitment.

What do you get?

  • One 60-minute consultation (Phone or Zoom)

  • Instant insight into your job search and tailored job search strategies you can implement right away.

What does it cost?

  • $125/hr

Reviews & Feedback

Already prepared a resume and cover letter? Want specific feedback before applying? Get it reviewed!

Foresight Career Coaching will review your documents and provide detailed feedback you can use to ensure you submit a targeted top-notch application.

What is it?

  • Reviews and Feedback provide expert evaluation of your self-marketing materials.

  • Receive strategic insights and tailored in-document feedback you can use to improve your application.

  • It is a fast, efficient and affordable option that ensures your self-marketing materials are primed

    and ready to send to employers.

Who is it for?

  • Reviews and Feedback are best for those who prefer a more collaborative approach; they are comfortable writing rough drafts but see value in having a trained and experienced professional review their work.  Also, those who have been applying for jobs but are not getting the response they hoped for.

What do you get?

  • Feedback on all aspects of your self-marketing materials; e.g., content creation, layout and structure, language and keyword use as well as branding and storytelling.

What does it cost?

  • Resume - $175

  • Cover Letter - $75

  • Resume & Cover Letter - $200

  • LinkedIn Profile - $150