Hi, I'm Matt -- a Certified Career Development Practitioner [CCDP], Certified Career Strategist [CCS], Certified Work-Life Strategist [CWS], and Certified Resume Strategist [CRS], and I help people take control of their careers.

I started Foresight Career Coaching to provide the inspiration, training and support you need to search smarter, perform better, and take control of your career.  Why? Because I know what its like to feel stressed and confused when it comes to job search and career development.  But now that I know what its like to be in control of my career, I want to help you achieve it, too!

Growing up, I worked a lot of different jobs - restaurants, wading pools, movie theaters and even English language schools in Southeast Asia, but it's safe to say that career development was never high on my list of priorities.  

It wasn't until I was a 30-year-old undergraduate student living in my parents' basement with my pregnant wife, working part-time jobs to regain Canadian experience and rebuild my network, that I realized I needed to take control of my career. 

The problem? I had never been taught how!  I didn’t know how to conduct a smarter job search or perform better in front of employers.

After doing my own online research and taking some free job search classes, I still felt stressed and confused.  I was sending out application after application and not getting any positive responses. Finally, after more than 100 applications and pulling every string in my network, I received a job offer to be a career coach.

To be honest, I had never heard of career coaching and given my own arbitrary career path, wasn’t sure I was the best person to be giving career advice.  What I did know was that I was a good facilitator and I enjoyed helping people learn, so I decided to go for it.

Not long after starting, I realized something was different.  I felt engaged, challenged and that my work made a positive difference in peoples’ lives.  Career coaching turned out to be the perfect blend of creativity, connection, and control.  That was it - the control I had been looking for!

As I took courses and learned about labor market information, job search and networking strategies, resumes and cover letters, interviews and employer expectations, not only did I become a Certified Career Development Practitioner (and better career coach!), I took control of my own career, and it felt great! 

Since then, everything has changed. I have landed more job offers and steadily grown my career with less job search and fewer resumes.  Every successive career move has been a well-informed, intentional decision that has grown my career the way I wanted it to.  I am in control.

I’ve taken the best of my training and experience to build Foresight Career Coaching.  My goal is to provide the inspiration, training and support you need to search smarter, perform better, and take control of your career.

Let's get to work. 


Certified Career Development Practitioner | University of Winnipeg

Certified Career Strategist | Career Professionals of Canada

Certified Resume Strategist | Career Professionals of Canada

Certified Work-Life Strategist | Career Professionals of Canada

Member | Career Professionals of Canada

Member | Manitoba Association of Career Development

Bachelor of Arts | University of Manitoba

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